Former team members

Research Assistant
Sibaridibo graduated with her MPH from the University at Buffalo, with a concentration in Epidemiology, in May 2023. She holds a BS in Public Health from UB and has research experience related to food security. Sibaridibo is a McNair Scholar. In the 2PE lab, she conducted qualitative research examining the effects of social safety net programs on family health and well-being.

Research Assistant
Dalanda Jalloh is a senior at the University at Buffalo majoring in International Relations. Her research interests lie at the intersection of food security and international relations. She is a 2021 Boren Scholarship Recipient who is Senegal in 2022-2023 to study French and intern with a local organization. In the 2PE lab, Dalanda worked on on research related to the health system in Ghana.

Research Assistant
Tahreem Kamal is a Pharmacy student at the University at Buffalo who is also interested in obtaining her MPH. In the 2PE lab, Tahreem worked on research related to the health system in Ghana.

Research Assistant
Nelli Kisliuk graduated from the University at Buffalo with a BS in Public Health and will start her MPH at UB in Fall 2023. She is a McNair Scholar, and in the 2PE lab, Nelli examines how water and food insecurity influence the risk of intimate partner violence in Tanzania. In 2022, she won a University at Buffalo Excellence in Research, Scholarship and Creativity Award for this work.

Ph.D. Candidate
Leah is Postdoctoral Researcher in Public Health at Leiden University – Institute of Security and Global Affairs in the Hague, Netherlands. She earned her MPH at Stony Brook University and is currently finalizing her Ph.D. in Social Epidemiology at the Department of Public Health, Erasmus Medical Center, Rotterdam (the Netherlands). With more than 10 years experience researching large-scale impact evaluations in Tanzania, Zambia, Zimbabwe, and Mozambique, among others, Leah is proficient in all stages of research design, implementation, and dissemination. In collaboration with the 2PE lab, for her dissertation, she examined the role of social protection, including cash plus programming, in improving mental health outcomes among adolescents in Tanzania. CV